Membership Levels
Non-Members may participate in most OSSC Activities
Benefits Include:
- Monthly Meetings
- Presentations by prominent members of the optics community and related industries
- Dinner (fees apply)
- In Person & Live Streaming options
- Networking and social opportunities
- Periodic Tours of industry, university, and related organization facilities
- Some meetings & tours may be limited to Members Only due to space and other limitations
- Outreach Activites
- Family-Friendly Events often in collaboration with local non-profit partners
- Some events may be limited to Members Only due to space and other limitations
- Educational support by OSSC members for primary, secondary schools, colleges, and universities
- Access to:
- Educational Presentations & Other Materials
- OSSC Images Newsletter (recent editions only)
- OSSC On-line Forums including Job Announcements
- Non-members are limited to Read Access
- Job announcements may be posted with help from our Jobs Board Coordinator
Members are encouraged to bring non-member colleagues, family, and friends to our regular meetings and outreach events.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership Benefits Include All Non-Member Benefits Plus:
- Dinner Discount at most Regular OSSC Meetings
- Access to:On-line Membership Directory
- Create a Personal Biography Page viewable by other members
- Control Contact Information visible to other members
- Access to Select Website Contenent Including:
- Technical Presentations (PDF Format) made by OSSC Meeting Speakers dating back decades
- Video recordings of Presentations made by OSSC Meeting Speakers
- Past issues of the OSSC Images Newsletters and other restricted documents
- Access to OSSC Jobs Board & Other Forums
- Full Read & Write Access
- Post to Jobs Board without assistance from Jobs Board Coordinator
- Attend Select Member Only Events
- Vote in OSSC Elections
- Serve on the OSSC Leadership Team in an elected or appointed office
- 10% discount on UC Irvine Optics Classes taught through the Division of Continuing Education
Individual Membership dues are $15 per year.
Student Membership
Student Members are Individual Members who are currently enrolled in school at least part-time and are not working fulltime.
Enjoy all the Benefits of Individual Membership Plus:
- Increased Dinner Discount
- Student Members enjoy diner at our regular meetings for FREE or at a significant discount.
Student Membership dues are $15 per year
Corporate Membership
Corporate Members are Optics & Closely Aligned Companies & Organizations that Support OSSC through the generous contribution of their talent and resources.
Corporate Membership Includes All the Benefits of Individual Membership Plus:
- Listing on the Corporate Members Page of the OSSC website with a link to your website
- Share New Products & Services on the OSSC Website Newsfeed
- Company Name listed in the Images Newsletter
- Periodic Company Profile in the Images Newsletter
- Opportunities to Host and Events at Corporate Member Facility to promote your work to the OSSC community
- Corporate Presence on OSSC Forums (full read & write access)
- Post and remove job announcements without contacting the Jobs Board Coordinator
- Inform the OSSC Community Membership of your latest accomplishments
- Create a Company Forum that might include:
- Updates regarding new products and services
- Knowledge Sharing / Ask-an-expert presence
- Become a Partner or Advisor to our partner education programs at:
- Pasadena City College Laser Tech Program
- UC Irvine Continuing Education Optics Programs
Corporate Membership dues are $100 per year.
Website Sponsorship
Website Sponsorship are Corporate Members who support the OSSC Website
Benefits include All the Benefits of Corporate Membership Plus:
- Company Logo on the bottom of the Home Page of the OSSC Website
- Logo is linked ot the Corporate Member Website
Website Sponsorships total $200 per year and include:
- Dues for Corporate Membership: $100
- Donation to Support the OSSC Website: $100
OSSC Fellows are individuals of distinction who have performed outstanding service for the Optical Society of Southern California and the optics industry. Fellows are nominated by the OSSC Fellowship Committee with final apporval determined by the the OSSC Board of Directors.
Benefits Include all the benefits of Individual Membership plus:
- Recognition at a Special Cermeony held at an OSSC Meeting
- Listing on the Fellows Page of the OSSC website
Fellows enjoy free lifetime Individual Membership to the Society
OSSC Leadership Team
The OSSC Leadership Team includes elected and appointed members of the OSSC Board of Directors along with non-voting appointed Committee Chairs and volunteers all of whom share their time and talent to help fulfill the mission of the Society.
Leadership Team Benefits Include all the Benefits of OSSC Membership Plus:
- Participation in Officer Meetings and Dinners
- Leadership Opportunities
- Enhanced Networking Opportunities
- Develop communication and teaching skills through participation in outreach events
- Develop organization skills by managing speakers, events, membership data, finances, communications, or the website.
- Online Public Biography viewable by all website visitors (past officers maintain their online biographies)
- Members of the OSSC Board of Directors also have the right to vote on all decisions affecting the Society
Members of the Leadership Team must be active members. No additional payment is required, and all positions are unpaid volunteer positions.
We encourage any and all active members to become part of the OSSC Leadership Team!